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Dear Colleagues,
The preparations for the STIMM-2 Workshop are quite advanced and we will be glad to have you as Guests next year in June. Before issuing the first Announcement - which will come soon - we think it is time to share with the participants to STIMM-1 some ideas on how to organize STIMM-2. Expressing your intention to attend the workshop, as well as providing feedback on its substance and format, will help us to get the best out of this event.
As last time, STIMM-2 will take place at Hotel Cota 1400 and, we hope, it will benefit again from a nice weather and a nice atmosphere. A preliminary STIMM-2 website is available at http://iss30.nipne.ro/gpsm/ws_ro/stimm2/. We decided to move the workshop to June because STIMM-2 will be coupled with the COSPAR Capacity Building Workshop "Solar-Terrestrial Interactions: Instrumentation and Techniques (STIINTE)", and June is a better month both for the STIINTE lecturers and for booking the hotel. Details about STIINTE are available at http://www.faculty.iu-bremen.de/jvogt/cospar/cbw6/.
STIMM-2 will focus again on auroral physics, magnetospheric discontinuities, and boundary layers, but in a slightly different format. Following suggestions made at STIMM-1, we think to make the workshop more interactive, by moving the emphasis from oral presentations to moderated discussions / focus groups and posters. We plan to capture your preferrence by a tab in the abstract submission interface.
In order to prepare the workshop we also plan to activate the workgroups discussed at STIMM-1. A web interface is available at http://iss30.nipne.ro/gpsm/forum/, where we have already included some open questions left from STIMM-1, as well as a few additional issues, related to our current work. We would be grateful to the moderators if they can help us in making the workgroups effective, and to everybody who likes to get involved for suggestions and comments. In case you feel more comfortable, you can always send your viewpoints by email, and we shall take care to post them on the web.
We are looking forward to hear from you, and to welcome you in Romania again.
Best regards,
Octav Marghitu, Marius Echim, Adrian Blagau,
Dragos Constantinescu, Horia Comisel
Space Plasma and Magnetometry Group
Institute for Space Sciences
Atomistilor 409, P.O. Box MG-23
RO-77125 Bucharest
Tel: +40 21 457 4131
Fax: +40 21 457 4471
WWW: http://iss30.nipne.ro/gpsm/
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