Welcome |
Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to invite you to the second workshop on
*** Solar-Terrestrial Interactions from ***
*** Microscale to global Models, STIMM-2 ***
to be held in Sinaia, Romania, between June 12-16, 2007. STIMM-2 will
continue along the lines established at the first workshop from September
2005, http://iss30.nipne.ro/gpsm/ws_ro/stimm1/, by addressing current
problems in "Auroral Physics" and "Magnetospheric Boundaries". Papers
related to the overlap of the two, with emphasis on recent Cluster
results, are particularly welcome. In agreement with the workgroups
defined during STIMM-1, the workshop will also have sections on "Models"
and "Techniques". While "Models" will focus on theoretical aspects of
space plasma physics, "Techniques" will be open to new achievements in the
processing of space plasma data.
As before, STIMM-2 will take place at Hotel Cota 1400 and, we hope, it
will benefit again from a nice weather and a nice atmosphere. A
preliminary website is available at http://iss30.nipne.ro/gpsm/ws_ro/stimm2/, where you can find details about
the venue, accommodation, and fees. We shall try to secure a limited
budget for those who need financial support.
We decided to move the workshop from September to June because STIMM-2
will be coupled with the COSPAR Capacity Building Workshop
"Solar-Terrestrial Interactions: Instrumentation and Techniques
(STIINTE)", and June is a better month both for the STIINTE lecturers and
for booking the hotel. Details about STIINTE are available at
Following suggestions made at STIMM-1, we would like to make the workshop
more interactive, by moving the emphasis from oral presentations to
moderated discussions/focus groups and posters. We plan to have common
session, open to the overall audience, in the first half of each day,
followed by splinter sessions in the afternoon. In order to prepare the
splinters a dedicated tool is available at
http://iss30.nipne.ro/gpsm/forum/. One challenge that we want to meet is
to build an informal and open atmosphere, where people can freely discuss
controversial issues.
Should you be interested to attend the workshop, please register at your
earliest convenience by using the online interface. Please submit an
abstract and let us know what scientific topic you would prefer to
contribute, and what format of presentation suits you the best.
As soon as we have your feedback, we shall complete the workshop site
with details on the scientific program and confirmed attendance.
Since the capacity of the Hotel Cota 1400 is limited to about 50 rooms,
part of which will be booked out by STIINTE, we need an estimate of the
STIMM-2 attendance well in advance, in order to make appropriate
arrangements. After April 15, 2007, registration will be possible only
provided that rooms are still available. A second announcement will be
issued end of April.
We are looking forward to hear from you and to welcome you in Romania at
the STIMM-2 workshop.
Best regards,
Octav Marghitu, Marius Echim, Adrian Blagau,
Dragos Constantinescu, Horia Comisel
Space Plasma and Magnetometry Group
Institute for Space Sciences
Atomistilor 409, P.O. Box MG-23
RO-77125 Bucharest
Tel: +40 21 457 4131
Fax: +40 21 457 4471
WWW: http://iss30.nipne.ro/gpsm/
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