19th Cluster Workshop
Poiana Brasov, Romania, 18-21 May 2010
Scientific Program and Abstracts - NEW (pdf)
Invited presentations
Iannis Dandouras: Inner magnetospherre science objectives: some previous achievements with Cluster and new targets for 2011-2012
Johan De Keyser: Multi-spacecraft gradient techniques: Applicability for studying magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling
Colin Forsyth: BBF / plasma bubble coupling to the ionosphere
Gerhard Haerendel: The growth phase arcs and substorm onset
Liisa Juusola: Magnetotail reconnection and its signatures in the ionosphere
Andreas Keiling: Alfvén waves from the magnetotail to the low altitude auroral region
Romain Maggiolo: Polar cap arcs - FAC and ion outflow - Cluster results
Göran Marklund: Aurora and black aurora viewed by Cluster
Jim McFadden: Putting together the pieces of the substorm puzzle
Hans Nilsson: Heavy ion energization, transport, and loss at Earth, Mars, and Venus
Jiankui Shi: Field-aligned currents in the magnetotail observed by Cluster
Jean-Gabriel Trotignon: Electron density measured in the Earth's space environment by the WHISPER relaxation sounder onboard CLUSTER
Joachim Vogt: Models of magnetosphere-ionosphere interactions
Simon Wing: Field-aligned currents and particle precipitation
Contributed presentations
The detailed program, to include both oral and poster contributions, will be posted at the beginning of May. Standard equipment will be available for the oral presentations and portrait boards for the posters.

First Announcement
Second Announcement
Third Announcement
Registered Participants
Abstract Submission
Submitted Abstracts
Scientific Program
Abstracts booklet (pdf)
Young Scientist Support
Submitted Applications
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