19th Cluster Workshop
Multi-point Investigations of Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling and Aurora
Poiana Brasov, Romania, 18 - 21 May, 2010.
Space Plasma and Magnetometry Group at the Institute for Space Sciences, Bucharest, is pleased to invite you to the 19th Cluster Workshop. The workshop will take place in Poiana Brasov, Romania, in the Carpathian mountains, and will focus on Cluster insight into magnetosphere-ionosphere (M-I) coupling and aurora.
A couple of years ago Cluster started to probe key regions of the M-I coupling chain, namely the topside auroral acceleration region during the (boreal) winter and the current disruption region in the near-Earth plasma sheet during the summer. Together with high altitude spacecraft, most notably THEMIS, low altitude satellites like REIMEI or DMSP, and a dense network of ground based observatories, Cluster provides at present an ideal platform for M-I coupling investigations. The 19th Cluster Workshop is intended to offer a broad perspective on M-I coupling and aurora, to include recent achievements based on both observational and theoretical / numerical studies.
Deadline for registration and abstract submission is March 31, 2010. More details are available on the workshop web site, http://gpsm.spacescience.ro/cw19.
Octav Marghitu, on behalf of the LOC