Application Form |
Please provide the name and institution as you wish it
to appear on your badge and in the list of participants. |
Make sure you have completed carefully the second section
of the form, dealing with your present and future work. In addition,
we strongly encourage you to provide a letter of recommendation and
/ or a list of publications. In case you are at the beginning of your
scientific career a letter of recommendation from your supervisor
or head of department, who knows your work well, would strengthen
the application. Alternatively, established physicists may prefer
to include with the form a list of refereed publications that are
written in English. Either a publication list or a supporting letter
(or both) are key pieces for the evaluation of your application. |
The recommendation letter should address the questions
of your suitability for research, your suitability for the course,
the facilities which will be available to you when you return home,
your fluency in the English language, and experience in working with
computers. It should be sent directly to us, to the email address
There is no registration fee for the scientific attendance
at the workshop and, depending on the situation, the expenses (accommodation,
board, travel) of the participants from Central and Eastern European
countries can be covered up to 100%. While full support is in principle
possible, all the applicants are encouraged to look for alternative
funding sources, able to cover part of their expenses. Although this
is not a main criterion, partial coverage of the expenses can improve
the chance of being selected, in particular for faculty / institute
staff members. |
The participants will be accepted by the Organizing Committee
mainly on the basis of their qualifications and the likely benefit
to their research from attending the Workshop. Before submission please
make sure that you filled in all the required information. All this
information will be taken into account by the Organizing Committee
in the selection process, and no one can be accepted without a complete
record. As soon as the application is submitted, a confirmation email
is sent automatically, with all the information provided attached
in a pdf file. Please check this file carefully and, in case anything
is missing, re-submit your application. Only the last submitted application
will be taken into account for evaluation. |
In case you have questions, or you need to know additional
details, please send a message to  |
Deadline for receiving the applications was extended
to March 28, 2007. |
Notifications of acceptance will be sent out by April
15, 2007. |