Statistical analysis of the propagation parameters of traveling ionospheric disturbances and atmospheric gravity waves (SATA) |
Valorificarea extensiva a experientei in activitati de spatiu si securitate (VESS) |
Onboard nonlinear analysis of data: a new technology based on field programmable gate arrays (OANA) |
Contract Nr. 182/07.09.2017, Romanian Space Agency, Space Technology and Advanced Research Programme (STAR) |
Duration: 07.09.2017 - 07.09.2019 |
Project Director: Dr. Marius Echim |
Website: |
Open-source software analysis tool to investigate space plasma turbulence and nonlinear dynamics (ODYN) |
Contract Nr. 122/20.07.2017, Romanian Space Agency, Space Technology and Advanced Research Programme (STAR) |
Duration: 20.07.2017 - 20.06.2019 |
Project Director: Dr. Eliza Teodorescu |
Website: |
Turbulence, intermittency and multiscale transfer of energy in the solar-wind and planetary magnetosheaths (TIMESS) |
Solar system plasma turbulence: observations, intermittency and multifractals (STORM) |
Solar system plasma turbulence: observations, intermittency and multifractals (STORM) |
Contract Nr. 313038/2013, European Community's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) |
Duration: 01.01.2013 - 31.12.2015 |
Project Director: Dr. Marius Echim |
Website: |
Observarea si modelarea frontierelor magnetice din plasmele spatiale (OMMA) |
Contract Nr. 593/13.09.2012, UEFISCDI PN2-CAPACITIES, Romania-Belgium Bilateral Projects |
Duration: 15.09.2012 - 14.09.2014 |
Project Director: Dr. Marius Echim |
Magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling in the auroral region (M-ICAR) |
Contract Nr. 67/05.10.2011, Program PNII-IDEI |
Durata: Oct. 2011 - Oct. 2014 |
Director Proiect: Octav Marghitu |
Kinetic and experimental investigation of the Earth's and Venus's plasma layers (KEEV) |
Contract Nr. 4200098049/2007, Program ESA-PECS |
Durata: Ian. 2007 - Iun. 2012 |
Director Proiect: Marius Echim |
Energy conversion and transfer in the solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere system (ECSTRA) |
Straturi frontiera si structuri de sarcina in plasmele circumplanetare (SAFIR) |
Sistem complex multidisciplinar de cercetare a fenomenelor precursoare asociate producerii cutremurelor vrancene intermediare puternice in conformitate cu ultimele abordari pe plan international (MEMFIS) |
Subcontract Nr. 55/27.07.2006, Program CEEX-Modul 1 |
Durata: Iul. 2006 - Oct. 2008 |
Director Proiect: Marius Echim |
Aplicatii de Fizica Plasmei in Geofizica: Fenomene Aurorale (ALEGRO) |
Contract Nr. 5942/18.09.06, Program CEEX-Modul 2 |
Durata: Sep. 2006 - Sep. 2008 |
Director Proiect: Octav Marghitu |
Interactiuni Solar - Terestre de la Microscala la Modele Globale (STIMM) |
Contract Nr. 10 CEEX III/07.09.2005, Program CEEX-Modul 3 |
Durata: Sep. 2005 - Oct. 2006 |
Director Proiect: Octav Marghitu |
Dinamica Satelitara si Fizica Magnetosferei cu Date In-Situ (DIAFAN) |
Contract Nr. 118/20.02.2004, Program Aerospatial |
Durata: Sep. 2004 - Sep. 2006 |
Director Proiect: Horia Comisel |
Procese Fizice in Plasma Spatiala: Sistemul Vant Solar-Magnetosfera-Ionosfera (PROSPERO) |
Contract Nr. 72/23.10.2003, Program Aerospatial |
Durata: Oct. 2003 - Dec. 2005 |
Director Proiect: Octav Marghitu |
Procese Fizice Fundamentale in Plasma Spatiala (PROFIS) |
Contract Nr. 95/2001, Program CERES |
Durata: Oct. 2001 - Nov. 2003 |
Director Proiect: Marius Echim |
Fizica Plasmei Spatiale din Date Satelitare (FIRE) |
Contract Nr. 15/01.10.2001, Program Aerospatial |
Durata: Oct. 2001 - Dec. 2003 |
Director Proiect: Octav Marghitu |
Experiment si Modelare in Plasma Circumterestra (EXOS) |
Program Orizont 2000 |
Durata: Ian. 2001 - Dec. 2002 |
Responsabil Tema: Marius Echim |