First announcement
Europlanet Workshop: Planetary Atmospheric Erosion
Murighiol, Romania
11-15 June 2018
The Europlanet workshop "Planetary Atmospheric Erosion" will be held June 11-15 at Puflene Resort, Murighiol, Romania.
Among the topics to be addressed during the workshop are:- Atmospheric escape mechanisms
- Comparative atmospheres: Earth versus other planets
- Variability in outflow, controlling factors
- Long term evolution of planetary atmospheres
- Impact of atmospheric erosion
- Mass balance: escape versus accretion
- Innovative methods for data analysis
- Space missions to study atmospheric erosion
Travel support is available for a limited number of early career scientists from Europlanet inclusive states.
Several rooms at the resort are guaranteed for the workshop participants, to be booked individually by 15 April 2018.
The deadline for registration, travel support and abstract submission is 30 April 2018.
Scientific Organization Committee:
Andreas Keiling, Space Sciences Laboratory, Berkeley, United States
Anita Aikio, University of Oulu, Finland
Anna Losiak, University of Exeter, United Kingdom
Eduard Dubinin, Max-Planck Institute, Germany
Iannis Dandouras, IRAP, France
Jasper Halekas, University of Iowa, United States
Masatoshi Yamauchi, IRF Kiruna, Sweden
Natalia Zalewska, Space Science Section, Polish Acadademy of Science
Octav Marghitu, Institute of Space Sciences, Romania
Stein Haaland, Birkeland Centre of Space Science, Bergen, Norway