Iannis Dandouras: | Inner magnetospherre science objectives: some previous achievements with Cluster and new targets for 2011-2012 |
Johan De Keyser: | Multi-spacecraft gradient techniques: Applicability for studying magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling |
Colin Forsyth: | BBF / plasma bubble coupling to the ionosphere |
Gerhard Haerendel: | The growth phase arcs and substorm onset |
Liisa Juusola: | Magnetotail reconnection and its signatures in the ionosphere |
Andreas Keiling: | Alfvén waves from the magnetotail to the low altitude auroral region |
Romain Maggiolo: | Polar cap arcs - FAC and ion outflow - Cluster results |
Göran Marklund: | Aurora and black aurora viewed by Cluster |
Jim McFadden: | Putting together the pieces of the substorm puzzle |
Hans Nilsson: | Heavy ion energization, transport, and loss at Earth, Mars, and Venus |
Jiankui Shi: | Field-aligned currents in the magnetotail observed by Cluster |
Jean-Gabriel Trotignon: | Electron density measured in the Earth's space environment by the WHISPER relaxation sounder onboard CLUSTER |
Joachim Vogt: | Models of magnetosphere-ionosphere interactions |
Simon Wing: | Field-aligned currents and particle precipitation |