NAME - Finds the range changes times and produces the FGM uncal files for them.

SYNOPSIS --month month [--day day] [--year year] [--inboard] [--spacecraft spacecraft] [--(no)log] [--all] [--All] [--centered] [--reverse] [--ICL] [--help]


This script finds the range changes times and produces the 5 minutes FGM uncal files used for calibration. The times for the range changes are read from the log files produced by the script. Then the FGM uncal files for the 5 minutes immediately before and immediately after the range change are produced. Compressed input files are transparently managed. By default only increasing range changes are processed. This can be changed with the -reverse option.


-m month, --month month

The month. One or two digits. Mandatory argument.

-d day, --day day

The day. One or two digits. Without this option all days of the month are processed.

-y year, --year year

The year. One or two digits. Default is the current year.

-s spacecraft, --spacecraft spacecraft

The spacecraft number (1-4) or list of spacecraft e.g -s '1 3 4'. Default all spacecraft.

-a, --all

If given, all range changes are processed. If omitted, the range changes from range 2 and range changes to and from range 6 and 7 are omitted.

-A, --All

Pass the option '-a' to fgmtel. As a result all vectors, including range changes, calibration mode, and eclipses data will be produced. See the fgmtel man page. Default is to produced only non-marked vectors.

-c, --centered

If given, also 5 minutes intervals centered on the range changes are produced. By default only the before and after intervals are produced.

-i, --inboard

Produce uncal files also for the inboard sensors.

-I ,--ICL

Use the Imperial College London raw data. Default is to use the ESTEC raw data.

-r. --reverse

Process decreasing range changes instead of the default increasing.

-l, --log

Record the run to dailycal log file. Default is enabled. Can be disbled using the --nolog option.

-h, -?, --help

Prints a brief help message.


This script uses the following:




Root for the FGM calibration directory structure. Default to /home/FGM/ if not set.


Path to orbit parameters files. Default to $FGMROOT/log/atorb/ if not set.


Path to calibration files (*.fgmcal and *.cfgnew). Default to $FGMROOT/data/dcalf/ if not set.


$FGMROOT/data/raw/ICL/$YY_$MM/ - Imperial input path

$FGMROOT/data/raw/ESTEC/cluster$sc/[n|b]sd_$sc/ - ESTEC (default) input path

$FGMROOT/log/cd_log/$YY_$MM/ - path to log files

$FGMROOT/data/uncal/$YY_$MM/ - output path

C$sc_$YY$MM$DD_B.[NS/BS](.gz) - Imperial input files

$YY$MM$DD.f[n|b].?a$sc(.gz) - ESTEC (default) input files

C$sc_$YY$MM$DD_B.[NS/BSNS]log - log files

c$sc_$YY$MM$DD_$hh$mmr$old_rangeto$new_range.uncal - pre range change uncal files

c$sc_$YY$MM$DD_$hh$mmr$new_rangef$old_range.uncal - post range change uncal files

c$sc_$YY$MM$DD_$hh$mmr$new_rangeand$old_range.uncal - mixed range change uncal files

$FGMROOT/log/dailycal/dailycal_$YY$MM.log - Dailycal log file.


Dragos Constantinescu <>