NAME - Copy FGM daily calibration files to libs.

SYNOPSIS --month month [--year year] [--spacecraft spacecraft] [--days days_list | --begin day_begin --end day_end] [--version version] [--(no)log] [--help]


This script copies the FGM daily calibration files fgmcal and cfgnew to libs for further processing.


-m month, --month month

The month. One or two digits. Mandatory argument.

-y year, --year year

The year. One or two digits. Default is the current year.

-s spacecraft, --spacecraft spacecraft

The spacecraft number (1-4). Default all spacecraft.

-d days_list, --days days_list

List of days given as a string. Ranges are permitted, e.g -d '3 12 18-26 30'.

-b day_begin, --begin day_begin

First day in sequence. Default is 1.

-e day_end, --end day_end

Last day in sequence. Default is 31.

-v <version>, --version <version>

Version of the calibration files. If this option is not given then the environment variable FGMVERSION is used. If FGMVERSION is not set, then the default version is 3.

-l, --log

Record the run to dailycal log file. Default is enabled. Can be disbled using the --nolog option.

-h, -?, --help

Prints a brief help message.



Root for the FGM calibration directory structure. Default to /home/FGM/ if not set.


$FGMROOT/data/dcalf/ - source directory

/home/cluster_libs/pp/precal/ - destination directory

c|C$s_$yy$mm$dd_HHMMSSr$r_V??.cfgnew|fgmcal - calibration files

C$sc_20$yy$mm$dd_range7.fgmcal - daily range 7 calibration files

C$sc_range7.fgmcal - default range 7 calibration files

$FGMROOT/log/dailycal/dailycal_$yy$mm.log - Dailycal log file.


Dragos Constantinescu <>