- Archive FGM calibration results --month month [--year year] [--(no)ftp] [--(no)log] [--(no)copy] [--version version] [--help]
This script copies the fgmcal, cfgnew files and the spectra to the FGM calibration archives on libs and on the ftp distribution site and creates the tar file containing the fgmcal files to be distributed. If there are missinig fgmcal calibration files due to lack of data, calibration files from previous days are copied in place. If the calibration files from the first days of the month are missing, calibration files from the first available days of the month are copied in place.
The month to be archived. One or two digits. Mandatory argument.
The year. One or two digits. Default is the current year.
Version of the calibration files. If this option is not given then the environment variable FGMVERSION is used. If FGMVERSION is not set, then the default version is 3.
Copy fgmcal files from previous day if missing. If first days of the month are missing, copy calibration files from subsequent days. Default is enabled. Can be disabled using the --nocopy option.
Upload the fgmcal files to the ftp server Default is enabled, can be disabled using the --noftp option.
Record the run to dailycal log file. Default is enabled. Can be disbled using the --nolog option.
Prints a brief help message.
Root for the FGM calibration directory structure. Default to /home/FGM/ if not set.
Calibration files version.
$FGMROOT/data/dcalf/ - Calibration and configuration files source directory.
$FGMROOT/archive/calfiles/fgmcal/20$yy/$mm - Calibration files destination directory (*.fgmcal).
cluster_fgm_daily_calibration_files/20$yy/$mm - Path on the ftp server.
$FGMROOT/archive/calfiles/cfgnew/$yy._$mm - Configuration files destination directory (*.cfgnew).
$FGMROOT/data/spectra/ - Spectra source directory.
$FGMROOT/archive/spectra/spectren_cfdv??/spectren$yy$mm - Spectra destination directory.
C?_20$yy$mm*.fgmcal - Calibration files.
c?_$yy$mm*.cfgnew - IDL GUI calibration files.
c?_20$yy$mm*.png - Spectra.
cl_dcfv??_20$yy$mm.tar.gz - Calibration parameters (fgmcal files) archive to be distributed
$FGMROOT/log/dailycal/dailycal_$yy$mm.log - Dailycal log file.
Dragos Constantinescu <>