Solar - Terrestrial Interactions from Microscale to Global Models |
September 6-10, 2005 |
Dear Colleagues,
Thank you all for the feedback provided to the first announcement of the workshop "Solar-terrestrial interactions from microscale to global models", to be held in Romania, September 6-10. We are glad to welcome all of you, who decided to attend this workshop.
Please find below updated information on the logistic, support, abstract submission, and scientific program. For additional information please visit de workshop website, http://iss30.nipne.ro/maglab/ws_ro.
*** Venue, Transport, Visa
The workshop will be organized at the hotel "Cota 1400", up in the mountains, some 8 km away from the Sinaia resort and 120 km North from Bucharest. More details about the hotel and surroundings have been added to the workshop website.
We have already booked the hotel, according to the attendance estimate that we have now. Although the arrangement with the hotel has some flexibility, booking / cancellation after August 15 will be more difficult. Therefore, in case you change your plans, please inform us in due time.
A shuttle bus between the Bucharest-Otopeni international airport (Henri Coanda) and the hotel will be available on Thursday, September 6, and Saturday, September 10. If necessary, we can also pick you up from the Bucharest central station (Gara de Nord). For a proper timing of the shuttle bus, please let us know your travel schedule, as soon as you know it.
Most of the participants do not need a visa for touristic travel in Romania. For the few cases where a visa is required we shall send an explicit email warning. Additional information can be found on the website of the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, http://www.mae.ro.
For those wishing to spend some additional days in Romania, a few suggestions on hotel booking, attractions, and events are / will be included in the 'Links' section of the website. Feel free to contact us, if you need any particular information or help with the booking.
*** Support
We are happy to inform the guests who asked for support that we shall take care of their accommodation expenses. The transport inside Romania will be supported for all the participants.
Since this is the first space plasma meeting to be held in Romania, we are considering the option to support the accommodation for all our guests. An application in this sense is now under evaluation at the Romanian Ministry for Education and Research. We hope for a positive answer by the end of August.
*** Abstract Submission and Program
An abstract upload interface was added to the workshop website. In order to use it please provide the username "******" and the password "******". All of you who intend to have a presentation are kindly invited to submit the abstract until August 15. The uploaded documents can be in doc, ps, or pdf format. For easy access across the net, all the submitted abstracts will be eventually converted to pdf.
We intend to allocate 30-45 minutes slots for review lectures, and 15-20 minutes for contributed talks. The timing will depend on the number of abstracts we shall receive. We do not plan to have a poster session, but we could organize one, if there are enough requests.
The updated tentative program is available on the workshop website. The final form will be published in the second half of August, after we finish to collect the abstracts.
For any question regarding the workshop, sightseeing attractions in Romania, or any specific needs please feel free to contact the organizing committee at the email address: ws_ro@yahoo.com.
We are looking forward to welcome you in Romania.
Best regards,
Octav Marghitu, Marius Echim, Adrian Blagau,
Dragos Constantinescu, Horia Comisel
Space Plasma and Magnetometry Group
Institute for Space Sciences
Atomistilor 409, P.O. Box MG-23
RO-77125 Bucharest
Tel: +40 21 457 4131
Fax: +40 21 457 4471