Solar - Terrestrial Interactions from Microscale to Global Models |
September 6-10, 2005 |
Dear Colleagues,
We invite you to attend the Workshop
** Solar-terrestrial interactions from microscale to global models
to be held in Romania, September 6-10, 2005. The workshop will focus on two main scientific topics:
* Auroral physics (AP)
* Boundary layers in the magnetosphere (BL)
Papers addressing the overlap of the two, with emphasis on recent
Cluster results, are particularly welcome.
The workshop will be organized in a mountain resort, in the Carpathians,
about 150km North from Bucharest. The exact location is to be defined
depending on the feedback to this announcement. We propose Tuesday,
September 6, as arrival date, and Saturday, September 10, as departure
The workshop proper, Wednesday to Friday, will consist of both oral
presentations and discussion sessions. One challenge that we want to
meet is to build an informal and open atmosphere, where people can
freely discuss controversial issues.
Please let us know what topic would you prefer to contribute (AP and/or
BL). The share between the two in the final program will be defined
according to the input we receive from you.
Since the hotel booking and the transport from the Bucharest airport to
the workshop site depend on your feedback, we kindly ask you to confirm
before Monday, June 6, if you are able to attend. The default booking
will be for single rooms. Please inform us, in case you would like a
different arrangement.
There will be no registration fee. A limited budget is available to
support the accommodation and will be offered to those who encounter
budgetary constraints.
A workshop web page, which includes the list of potential guests, is
available at http://iss30.nipne.ro/maglab/ws_ro. As soon as we have your
answer we shall complete the page with details on the venue and program,
as well as confirmed attendance.
** Please reply with cc to ws_ro@yahoo.com .
Best regards,
Octav Marghitu, Marius Echim, Adrian Blagau,
Dragos Constantinescu, Horia Comisel
Space Plasma and Magnetometry Group
Institute for Space Sciences
Atomistilor 409, P.O. Box MG-23
RO-77125 Bucharest
Tel: +40 21 457 4131
Fax: +40 21 457 4471