NAME - Produces the FGM uncal files.

SYNOPSIS [--month month] [--year year] [--ICL] [--All] [--Length length] [--inboard] [--(no)log] [--(no)check] [--help]


This script produces the 5 minutes FGM uncal files used for calibration. The dates, begin times, and ranges for each spacecraft are read from the uncal configuration file. Compressed input files are transparently managed.


-m month, --month month

The month. One or two digits. If given, the uncal_yymm.txt configuration file is used and the -inboard option is set. If omitted, the uncal.txt file is used instead. In the latter case, the month must be given in the header of the file.

-y year, --year year

The year. One or two digits. Default is the current year.

-i, --inboard

Produce uncal files also for the inboard sensors.

-I ,--ICL

Use the Imperial College London raw data. Default is to use the ESTEC raw data.

-A, --All

Pass the option '-a' to fgmtel. As a result all vectors, including range changes, calibration mode, and eclipses data will be produced. See the fgmtel man page. Default is to produced only non-marked vectors.

-L length, --Length length

Length of the uncal interval in minutes. Default value is 5 minutes.

-c, --check

Check if the range given in the uncal.txt file corresponds with the range of the interval (from the log file). Default is yes. Can be disbled using the --nocheck option.

-l, --log

Record the run to dailycal log file. Default is enabled. Can be disbled using the --nolog option.

-h, -?, --help

Prints a brief help message.



Root for the FGM calibration directory structure. Default to /home/FGM/ if not set.


Path to calibration files (*.fgmcal and *.cfgnew). Default to $FGMROOT/data/dcalf/ if not set.


Path to orbit parameters files. Default to $FGMROOT/log/atorb/ if not set.


$FGMROOT/cfg/uncal.txt, $FGMROOT/cfg/uncal_yymm.txt - Configuration file giving the dates, ranges, and begin times for each spacecraft.


Header (optional for uncal_yymm.txt):

y = yy

mm = mm

Config lines:

sc1 sc2 sc3 sc4 range day hbeg mbeg

sc=0|1, range=2-7, day is given as two digits, hbeg is the begining hour (two digits), and mbeg is the begining minute (two digits).

$FGMROOT/data/raw/ICL/$yy_$mm/ - Imperial input path

$FGMROOT/data/raw/ESTEC/cluster$sc/[n|b]sd_$sc/ - ESTEC (default) input path

$FGMROOT/data/uncal/$yy_$mm/ - output path

C$s_$yy$mm$dd_B.[B|N]S - Imperial input files

$yy$mm$dd.f[n|b].?a$sc - ESTEC (default) input files

c$s_$yy$mm$dd_$hh$minr$range.uncal - outboard FGM uncal files

c$si_$yy$mm$dd_$hh$minr$range.uncal - inboard FGM uncal files

$FGMROOT/log/dailycal/dailycal_$yy$mm.log - Dailycal log file.


This script uses the following:



Dragos Constantinescu <>