GENERATION OF LOW FREQUENCY OSCILLATIONS IN THE PLASMA SHEET BOUNDARY LAYER T.M. Burinskaya, M.M. Shevelev, E.E. Grigorenko Space Research Institute RAS, Moscow, Russia Multipoint Cluster observations have revealed that during the motion of highly accelerated (up to 2500 km/sec) field-aligned ion flows in the plasma sheet boundary layer the related propagation of magnetic oscillations with a phase velocity of the order of the local Alfven speed is observed. Since the Kelvin-Helmholtz (K-H) instability is a very probable candidate for the excitation of such Alfven type disturbances, a general stability analysis is performed for the K-H instability in a three-layered system, when a background magnetic field is directed parallel to the plasma flow velocity. Solutions of the dispersion equation for the compressible plasma have shown that there is no upper critical sonic Mach number (MS=2) for oscillations propagating along the magnetic field, contrary to the common case of two plasmas moving relative to each other. For sonic Mach numbers higher than 2, the instability arises in a limited range of wave numbers, thus fixing the upper and lower cut off frequencies for the wave spectra. The structure of eigenmode has a damped-oscillatory character in the direction perpendicular to the background magnetic field and a kink-like type along the magnetic field. The comparison of obtained theoretical results with experimental data is discussed.