Based on Cluster magnetic field and particle data obtained during a quasi-perpendicular bow shock crossing on 24 January 2001 Lobzin et al. (GRL 34, 2007) have concluded that the shock is nonstationary and reforming on the time scale of the ion gyroperiod. The argument for shock reformation is mainly based on the different magnetic field profiles observed by different spacecraft when traversing the bow shock. We have performed one-dimensional full-particle simulations for parameters appropriate to the 24 January 2001 shock crossing with the physical ion to electron mass ratio (it should be noted that the actual ion beta in the solar wind is ~ 0.6 as compared to 2.0 given by Lobzin et al.). The simulation exhibits large amplitude small wavelength waves in the foot, ramp, and overshoot simultaneously with vortices in the ion phase space of the incoming ions indicating the excitation of the modified two stream instability between incoming ions and electrons. These vortices lead to nonstationarity on a considerably smaller time scale than the ion gyroperiod. We have flown two closely spaced artificial satellites from upstream through the foot and ramp to downstream and have recorded the magnetic field profile during shock traversal. The two spacecraft measure, after low-pass filtering the data, different magnetic profiles. This is very similar to what has been observed after filtering the data obtained from the actual bow shock crossing. Based on the simulations we suggest that during the 24 January 2001 crossing the bow shock is actually not reforming, but nonstationary on two different time scales: one time scale much smaller than the ion gyroperiod due to mini-cycles involving ion phase space vortices, and a nonstationarity with a time scale of 1 - 2 inverse ion gyrofrequencies due to a periodically changing shock potential, leading to enhanced reflection of ions, and subsequent excitation of waves far upstream. This nonstationarity can also be seen in the filtered spacecraft data. The difference of the large scale magnetic field profiles measured aboard different Cluster spacecraft is probably due to the latter nonstationarity, but not due to large scale reformation.